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Historical fiction unfolds narratives set in the past, often within pivotal time periods. The chosen historical era serves as a crucial component of both the setting and the story itself in this genre.

Authors of historical fiction meticulously attend to details such as settings, clothing, and dialogue to authentically align with the respective time periods. The genre may feature a mix of fictional characters, renowned historical figures, or a blend of both.

In some instances, historical fiction provides fresh perspectives on famous events, portraying historical figures grappling with actual occurrences in ways not documented in history. Alternatively, historical events may serve as a backdrop, shaping the framework for characters' lives and enriching the narrative.

While historical fiction can remain largely true to facts, occasional alterations may be made to names or places. Artistic license is permissible within reasonable bounds, as long as it doesn't significantly deviate from established history. Substantial deviations may categorize the story as alternate history, a genre exploring hypothetical scenarios stemming from altered historical events. It's worth noting that adherence to the laws of physics is essential in historical fiction, with stories veering into the magical or fantastic often being classified as historical romance.

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